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Sylvia Browne: Psychic Legacy Today

There are many names and authorities in the world of psychics but only a few prove to leave their legacy and contribution to the paranormal realm. Sylvia Browne is one of the renowned and self-proclaimed spiritual mediums and psychic today. She was born Sylvia Celeste Shoemaker. Her contribution to psychic and spiritualism were also documented as she is a well-recognized American author. She appeared on television shows such as The Montel Williams Show and Larry King Live among others.

Sylvia also hosts her very own show tackling about issues and concerns regarding the paranormal phenomena. Her hour-long Hay House Radio show is also accommodating calls and questions from callers especially those who need advice from a psychic medium. Her popularity today was not only because of her outstanding and noticeable work in the world of the supernatural. She has also dealt with several doubts, suspicions and even conviction. Nevertheless, her psychic abilities were beyond question and her predictions were proven accurate and specific.

There are certain predictions which were given and are still very controversial until now. Sylvia Browne made public predictions which were countered by her critics as educated guesses. Some of these include the false accusation of Bill Clinton in the case filed by Monica Lewinsky. Browne predicted that the former president would be acquitted but the result showed otherwise. There are other public predictions which were shrouded with doubts and cynicism including police cases of missing persons where Browne also got involved.

Amidst the controversies and scandals against the psychic world specifically the case of Sylvia Browne, psychic abilities are indeed true and real. Everyone was born with intuitive aptitude which when harnessed could lead to refined extra sensory perception or ESP. Psychic readings which are genuine are not only dead on accurate but serve as guide and directions.